Thursday, May 6, 2010

April in Review

Photo Shoot with Lisa Taylor for Fluid
April 2010 turned out to be a beautiful month. There's so much change this time of the year; the trees, the grass, the weather... and with that brings the change in focus for training. My first triathlon is a month away. It's a short distance tri that I've run the last 2 years. The course is fun and the atmosphere is great! Then in the middle of July comes Racine 70.3 So next week I will be starting the Build Phase of training.

The Build Phase of training is Moderate to High Frequency, High Duration and Heavy Intensity.  No doubt, a little painful.  This phase lasts 6 weeks and then I'll hit the Peak / Race Phase.  That 2 week time will be the heaviest and most intense training that I've ever done.  I'm rather excited!  I will be starting speed work drills for running and biking.  I've listened to my swim coach and I while I don't think that I'll be much under a 1:45/100yd swim, I do feel like I'll be able to race the swim strong and be able to drop the hammer on the bike and run.  So swim training will be crucial over the next few weeks - making sure that I'm practicing in the open water regularly and doing brick (swim/bike) workouts.

I've been fortunate to have a few friends to train with who truly push me.  Thank you to the family and friends who have encouraged me this past month.  I look forward to the next 6 weeks with a lot of optimism and expectations.  

*A quick side note, we bought Anna new bike with training wheels... then she wanted to 'train' with me in the basement.  So I built a 'trainer' for her bike and painted it green like my Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.  She uses it and loves to workout with me, she even gave Spinervals a run with me last week.  She loves to then go upstairs and tell Mommy - "I'm all sweaty, like Daddy"

As always - I have to give huge thanks to my wife and girls for the love and encouragement that I get from them with this crazy tri thing.

April's totals:
Bike: 16h 34m 15s - 276.87 Mi
Run: 6h 44m 27s - 44.43 Mi
Swim: 4h 22m - 11100 Yd

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Thanks to Darryl Evans at Pure Enchantment Photography for doing the Fluid photo shoot - that man has an eye for a great image! He's also on Facebook, you can find more of the Fluid shots on his site!

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