Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Year in Review: 2010

2010: What a great year!

I've been able to complete a few things this last year that I've been working towards for a while.  Over the course of the year I exceeded each of the goals I set for myself.  2 of my biggest race goals were to run a marathon and complete a Half Ironman.  Both went very well and were a big step up in 'The Plan'

Annual Swim/Bike/Run goals were met, though my run totals could have been much higher if I would have kept running through the end of the year.  But again, my foot needed the rest and I think my mind needed it too - thus, the Off Season.

2010 totals
Bike:2098 Miles
Run:702 Miles
Swim:31 Hours
Strength:16 Hours
Other Exercise/Stretching:55 Hours

In 2011 my biking mileage will probably be about the same but I plan to do a bit more work on speed.  My average race speeds are currently about 21mph and I'd like to be about 24mph for Racine.  For my run goal I would like to shoot for 1000 miles in 2011.  It's a huge step up, but based on my peaking from last year, I think it would be a good goal.  I always need to improve my swimming so I'm not setting a specific goal for swimming.  Yes, it is my biggest limiter and needs the most work, so if I could swim even 10-20 seconds faster (per 100m) I would consider that a pretty big success. 

Strength training will need to be increased quite a bit.  I've been fairly consistent the last 2-3 years in total volume for strength training, but in order to improve my overall speeds, I'll need to gain more power early this year.  I've been on a kettlebell routine that will surely help me improve all around.  I'll be working on basic calisthenics (like push ups, sit ups, pull ups and squats - body weight stuff).  I've always liked the basics and enjoy the Navy SEALs workout programs.  I've also looked at the newer things from books like "Convict Conditioning" - all body weight things... you know, everything you'll need to be able to do to prove yourself strong in the prison system!

I did learn quite a bit of valuable information from the MSU study that I was a part of.  A big key is the total volume of aerobic activity that I need to be doing.  A LOT!  And along with that I am learning the importance of more frequent high intensity drills and circuit style training.

Lot's of things to incorporate in this years training program.  I'm excited to start the new plan.  My Racine plan will start in mid-February.  While I haven't pinned down the exact race plans for the year, here's the list of events that I'd like to consider:

     4/02 Martian Marathon
     5/01 Steelcase Du
     6/05 Hawk Island Tri                    
     6/12 Motor City Tri Oly               
IM Racine 70.3
     7/30 Warrior Dash MI
     8/07 Lansing Legislator Oly                           
     9/11 Rev3 Cedar Point 70.3
     9/24 DWD 50k                          
     10/15  GR or Detroit Marathon      

As always, THANK YOU to my family and friends for your support over this past year.  My girls are my biggest supporters.  

Fluid continues to be a huge part of my training and racing as a sponsor!  Thank you Rich and Dave and to the whole rest of the Fluid crew.  Give Fluid a try sometime and you'll find the best available recovery drink mix of electrolytes, protein and glutamine!  For those who like the typical post workout protein shake, try the new Fluid flavor: Chocolate!

Team Motiv8 is underway.  If you'd like see how you can get on board with our team, send me an email at  We continue to look for sponsors who want to come on board and help us take the message of the importance of making fitness part of a child's everyday life!  As part of that, adults need to be proactive WITH their children.   If you are interested in completing your first triathlon - let me know.  We will be putting on a First Time Tri training program that will lead up to the Hawk Island Triathlon in Lansing, MI.  We will cover all of the basics that a "Noob" will need to know in order to successfully complete a sprint distance triathlon.

Bring on 2011!!!

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