I've recently talked with a few people about Ironman races and Ultra runs; during a few recent conversations, I've pointed to people to this blog to review my past race reports. It's dawned on me that with the business of Motiv8Training.com I haven't spent any time updating this. This past weekend as Ironman Kona aired, the World Championships of triathlon, I really started to think about how I missed long distance racing. With the gym opening and the busyness of scheduling and maintaining classes, I've put my training and racing to the side. At the same time, my training and racing has largely been a part of how and why I got to where I am as a coach and trainer.
I was slated to run a 100k in January but the event was cancelled last month. I wasn't prepared for it so it didn't break my heart not to do it. However, at the same time, I wanted to use it as a proponent to my coaching techniques and for my athletes to see that I follow the advice I give. There have been several recent 'things' that have made me think about completing another Ironman, beyond the sheer addiction to the event and training. The tipping point came this past weekend as 2 other people on Team Motiv8 had recently registered for IM Louisville but then with Kona taking place, I felt that it was time to go again! I mentioned the idea to Becky as we were driving to some friends house to stream the Kona race; she didn't say "no", rather, she said that it would be a good long term goal.... when we got to our friends house, I registered.
Ironman Louisville - what do I know about the race.... nothing. I did no research on it before I signed up. I knew a few things about the swim start and basic location, but nothing of course maps or elevation. The geek in me was on fire to start researching and to start mapping out a training plan. This week I hope to have that plan finished.
More to come soon, but in 362 days and about 9 hours.... I will be racing Ironman Louisville
Jeremy Hagerman
The untrained, unfit and unwilling present a risk... Those with a mastery of skill, sharp mind, fit body and full heart present a resource. At the time of true test aim to be the best resource available so that the decision may rest in the moment and the benefit. Preparation of mind, body and skill lies within our control, the moment does not. ~ Fire Service Warrior 2011
Monday, October 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
2014 American Lung Association - Climb Detroit
I hope that each of you are doing well and are enjoying your 2014 year.
I hope that each of you are doing well and are enjoying your 2014 year.
It can be difficult to approach friends and family for donations right now, so I've tried to come up with a modest request towards my fundraising efforts for the Fight For Air Climb.
All I ask is that if you have $5 or $10 to give, it will go towards lung health advocacy, research, and education. Everyone has been touched by lung disease, whether you or a loved one suffers from Asthma, COPD or Lung Cancer; we all know someone who has been affected. This past fall I was diagnosed with Asthma, so this year, this event takes on a new meaning for me!
In past years I have been honored to have the MSU Alumni Associate help me raise funds for this event and they have graciously provided a few unique opportunities to meet with Sparty and create some fun videos. If you have some time, feel free to watch the videos through the links at the bottom of this email. Sparty is a rather funny fellow! This year, as in years past, I will be completing the 70 story stair climb in full fire fighter gear, complete with my helmet and air pack on my back. That’s almost 100 pounds of extra gear. No doubt, this is a difficult challenge!
Your money not only fights lung disease but it will aid in the fight for clean air – something we need! Over the past few years the American Lung Association has helped fund successful campaigns to eliminate indoor smoking at restaurants as well as a generated a lot of essential research and support for those with chronic breathing problems.
Some of you have supported me with large dollar amounts in previous years, please consider continuing your efforts in support of this journey. Every $5 donation will make a difference, so if you'd like to donate please do so by visiting my personal fundraising page.
Follow this link to make a secure donation to the ALA Climb Detroit event:
If you would like to register to join me in the fight for clean air, please let me know!
MSU Alumni Association and Sparty Videos
2012: http://www.youtube.com/
2013: http://www.youtube.com/
Previous blog posts about this event (the links in the blogs below are outdated, please do not follow them to make donations)
Spartans Helping Spartans blog: http://spartanshelpingspartans.com/2012/02/22/a-cause-worth-climbing-for/
Post event report - "How it feels": http://jhagerman.blogspot.com/2012/03/climb-detroit-report-2012.html
Spartans Helping Spartans blog: http://
Post event report - "How it feels": http://jhagerman.blogspot.com/
Please feel free to forward this post or share any of the above links to Facebook or other social media outlets to help generate donations.
Thank you,
Jeremy Hagerman
Motiv8 Fitness and Training
St Johns, MI
Motiv8 Fitness and Training
St Johns, MI
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