Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Onward into 2010!

2009 has flown past and 2010 is here! What a great year to have raced and to have met many new friends in the triathlon community. I look forward to new opportunities that should come in to focus in this new year.

My Totals:

December wasn't planned to be low volume/distance, but it does appear to have taken that route after family things and the Holidays. I hit my running goal for the year. I think my bike goal was 1500, but I *secretly* wanted to hit 2k. I swam and biked more than double my '08 time and distance and I feel better about where I am right now with my swims.


I don't have a run 'goal' per-say. I'm where I want to be with speed and endurance. So I'll try to increase my overall mileage. I would like to break the 20 minute 5k as I was off by less than a minute this year. But it's not my focus in 2010.

Bike - I want to nail the bike this coming year. I'd love to break the 2k mileage mark and increase my overall race avg speeds to 24 mph (up from about 16 mph in 2008 and about 19/20 mph in '09)

Swim - My focus of 2010. These last few months have been great for me in the water. Now I just need to translate to OWS / Racing. The swim has been my limiter for the last 2 years. I would have placed significantly higher in a couple key races this year if I could have taken 3 minutes off of my swim time. So I've spent a high volume of time in the pool over the last 2 months to increase my endurance for distance. Now I plan now to start focusing on speed and stroke work.

My Race goal for 2010 - I'm not sure how to set a specific goal yet for Racine 70.3, but my general goal is to qualify for the IM 70.3 World Championships. I have just over 20 weeks from now until Racine. While the swim will be a serious stretch for me, I will race my best at Racine and I'm certain that I'll have a great time

The AVERAGE times for the top 10 in my age group from last years Racine race are:

Avg Racine by the Numbers:
Total Time - 4:20:06
Swim - 25:33 (1:13 /100 yds)
Bike - 2:21:25 (23.76 mph)
Run - 1:29:39 (6:50 pace)
T1 - 1:53 T2 - 1:13

Otherwise, I'd like to race the Olympic distance for a couple of races, just for fun (with another secret hope for a podium finish). I'd like to think that this year will also be my first full marathon but again, only for fun.

December's totals:
Bike: 3h 51m 11s - 61.6 Mi
Run: 2h 00m - 11 Mi
Swim: 3h 31m - 9800 Yd

2009 totals
Bike: 107h 47m 02s - 1840.85 Mi
Run: 77h 44m 08s - 504 Mi
Swim: 26h 10m 25s - 58280.96 Yd
Strength: 15h 47

2008 totals
Bike: 32h 23m 03s - 443.96 Mi
Run: 60h 58m 24s - 400.33 Mi
Swim: 11h 41m 57s - 18696.81 Yd
Strength: 19h 22m

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