Saturday, June 26, 2010

Critical Volume Week 1, June 27 - July 3

It's time.... The stage is set for my hardest week of training ever.  This is going to hurt!

The Critical Volume Training Plan Week 1:

Sunday - Work - Treadmill (Easy 6-10 mi), P90X Stretch (1 hour)
Monday - Long Bike (~52 mi) and Run (7-10 mi)
Tuesday - Early Swim (45-60 min), Track Tempo Run (8 mi)
Wednesday - Lk MI OWS (1.2 mi) and Long Bike (56 mi), P90X Yoga (1 hour)
Thursday - Early Swim (45-60 min), Track Speed / Agility Run (8 mi)
Friday - Long Bike (~52 mi) and Run (7-10 mi)
Saturday - Work - Treadmill (Easy 8), P90X Stretch (1 hour)

Apx Totals:

Swim: 3+ miles - 2.5 Hours
Run: 42+ miles - 6-7 hours
Bike: ~160 miles - 8 Hours

Send me lots of love!  Recovery will be crucial, so forgive me if I appear a little tired.

**After re-evaluating the Critical Volume plan site, I realized some important things.  For my race on July 18 I will need a little more than a week of Taper (easy and less frequent workouts). So Week 2 of the CV plan will be about 60- 75% of week 1.  Still another big week, but with more recovery built in.

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